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Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself

Subject: Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 06:46:29 -0700
At 8/14/2024 11:17 PM, AK wrote:
>As I'm getting ready for three weeks out in the Aleutians, I
>"happened" to mosey into the camera store looking for something to
>fill a little perceived gap in my camera setup. I ended up buying a
>lens........and a camera.
>Sony G whatever 24/2.8, and an A9. Both were exceptionally priced. The
>A9 also had the battery grip. Recently, I had acquired a 70-200/2.8,
>so, well, yeah. It seemed like a good thing to do. The A9 was a backup
>and never used. It literally only had 223 shutter actuations. Not a
>scratch, zero sign of anything.
>So, I'll beat on it the next couple of days to make sure it works fine
>and will take the two Sonys on the ship with the GoPros, and have a
>small m43 kit tucked away in my computer bag "just in case".
>It's nice to have a rationalized kit for this trip. My E-M1mk2 with
>50-200 had taken a major fall and hasn't been 100% reliable ever
>since. And I know that on this trip, I'll be dealing with low light
>some of the time.
>It was also easy to justify as this is my 7 year anniversary of living
>in Alaska, and my second EPIC trip. The first was my Deadhorse-Valdez
>journey, this one is another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
>BTW, the ship has a moon pool about 4x4 meters in size.
>AK Schnozz

I have not been active here for a while. I hope the trip goes well.

I've been giving away some of my sony gear to deserving people.

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