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[OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself

Subject: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 22:17:12 -0800
As I'm getting ready for three weeks out in the Aleutians, I
"happened" to mosey into the camera store looking for something to
fill a little perceived gap in my camera setup. I ended up buying a
lens........and a camera.

Sony G whatever 24/2.8, and an A9. Both were exceptionally priced. The
A9 also had the battery grip. Recently, I had acquired a 70-200/2.8,
so, well, yeah. It seemed like a good thing to do. The A9 was a backup
and never used. It literally only had 223 shutter actuations. Not a
scratch, zero sign of anything.

So, I'll beat on it the next couple of days to make sure it works fine
and will take the two Sonys on the ship with the GoPros, and have a
small m43 kit tucked away in my computer bag "just in case".

It's nice to have a rationalized kit for this trip. My E-M1mk2 with
50-200 had taken a major fall and hasn't been 100% reliable ever
since. And I know that on this trip, I'll be dealing with low light
some of the time.

It was also easy to justify as this is my 7 year anniversary of living
in Alaska, and my second EPIC trip. The first was my Deadhorse-Valdez
journey, this one is another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

BTW, the ship has a moon pool about 4x4 meters in size.

AK Schnozz
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