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Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself

Subject: Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 00:17:18 -0800
> Ah, good! I was hesitant to say that . . .
> > A big white is still less expensive than therapy.
> More effective??

At this stage, I'm not sure anything is effective.

I got the Sony EF 200-600 G. The autofocus of that A9 with this thing
is unworldly. Anyway, sharp? Yeah. But it's big and heavy. Far bigger
and heavier than what pleases me, but if I don't like it or feel that
I need it after this trip I'll just sell it next month.

I was going to bring the E-M1mk2 with 50-200, but I really didn't want
to haul dual kits. The 200-600 is about the same size/weight as an
entire Olympus kit, but high-ISO performance of the FF Sonys is
important to me this trip because this is a 24 hour a day operation
for the duration and there are sea critters all around.

> My solution is Oly 100-400 with 1.4x TC, 1,100 mm eq, anyone? But slow. Do 
> marine creatures get photographed at night?

I can always put the Sonys into APSC mode. Or just crop later.

AG Schnozz
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