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Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself

Subject: Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 09:56:57 -0700
On 8/20/2024 2:35 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
To paraphrase Groucho, I love my 50-200, but I only take it out once in a 
while.  :-)

Seriously, I'm glad I bought the 50-200, because it's a stellar lens. But I'm also glad I picked up the plastic amateur 40-150 f/4-5.6, which is far better than it has any right to be.

I've become a fan of the 12-200, a useful bit wider and quite a bit longer than 
the 14-150.

I used the 14-150 some time ago, then switched to the Panny 14-140 for OIS on the tiny IBIS-less GM5. I had a lot of fun with that combo. <https://goo.gl/photos/JE6dSSvqHtBRRWXb6>

But I haven't used the 14-140 for a while.

Although the difference 'tween 24 and 28 mm eq. sounds small, I too often found 
it not wide enough.

The 12-200 does indeed get softer above 150-ish, but not that much, and with contemporary sharpening tools, that's not a problem.
When paired with 100-400, 1.4 x TC on a second body, I use the long lens for 
anything over 140 mm.

Two bodies and those two lenses are packed up for Sunday departure for 
Brooklyn, New England and Scotland,

Travelin' Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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