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[OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 31: Rzeszów with Curra

Subject: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 31: Rzeszów with Curra
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:19:45 +0200
I recently posted my gallery of photos from Rzeszów in SE Poland, but as 
always, I reserved some images for the weekly blog. We were there during the 
second week of August for my wife and her bridge partner Curra to participate 
in an international bridge tournament there. While they were playing, I was 
exploring the city, and then we would get together for lunch or dinner, 
depending on the tournament schedule. We also made a side trip to a nearby 
small town called Sanok. It’s all here:


And as always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


Слава Україні! Героям слава!

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