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Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself

Subject: Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 08:19:52 -0800
> I have not been active here for a while. I hope the trip goes well.
> I've been giving away some of my sony gear to deserving people.

Since my life took some turns, and multiple forms of "midlife crisis"
hit me at one time, I did what I was not supposed to do and abandoned
what remaining friendships I had due to association. That's quite
unfortunate because I'm pretty much alive today thanks to photography
and these friendships.

About the only constants in my life have been photography and music.
In photography, I felt that I had accomplished pretty much everything
I had set out to do and achieved sufficient success. Music was always
an unfulfilled void. I'm now achieving a level of sufficient success
in music that I have in photography--but I certainly suffer from
"imposter syndrome" as my success and my talents are not tracking each

Famous last words, but I'm probably about done acquiring SONY gear.
I'd like to get some 16-whatever GM zoom lens and maybe an A7Rmk IIX
body or something like that but only if my artistic vision comes back.
I've got six weeks of vacation time waiting to be used, so maybe it
will. If it doesn't, I'll shed it all and just go back to my Olympus
kit, replacing the broken bits.

Through the years, I've received a lot, and given a lot. For the first
time in my life I've been in a financial position to buy anything and
give anything. And I do! (It's also a result of working 70+ hours a
week and having a housemate to share the rent, and driving old
vehicles). It's such a special thing to be able to bless others.

...But it's also so frustrating!

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