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Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself

Subject: Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 16:54:56 -0700
At 8/17/2024 09:19 AM, you wrote:
>> I have not been active here for a while. I hope the trip goes well.
>> I've been giving away some of my sony gear to deserving people.
>Since my life took some turns, and multiple forms of "midlife crisis"
>hit me at one time, I did what I was not supposed to do and abandoned
>what remaining friendships I had due to association. That's quite
>unfortunate because I'm pretty much alive today thanks to photography
>and these friendships.
>About the only constants in my life have been photography and music.
>In photography, I felt that I had accomplished pretty much everything
>I had set out to do and achieved sufficient success. Music was always
>an unfulfilled void. I'm now achieving a level of sufficient success
>in music that I have in photography--but I certainly suffer from
>"imposter syndrome" as my success and my talents are not tracking each
>Famous last words, but I'm probably about done acquiring SONY gear.
>I'd like to get some 16-whatever GM zoom lens and maybe an A7Rmk IIX
>body or something like that but only if my artistic vision comes back.
>I've got six weeks of vacation time waiting to be used, so maybe it
>will. If it doesn't, I'll shed it all and just go back to my Olympus
>kit, replacing the broken bits.
>Through the years, I've received a lot, and given a lot. For the first
>time in my life I've been in a financial position to buy anything and
>give anything. And I do! (It's also a result of working 70+ hours a
>week and having a housemate to share the rent, and driving old
>vehicles). It's such a special thing to be able to bless others.
>...But it's also so frustrating!

Can I entice you to look into drone photography there in AK?
Drones can climb much faster than I can.

My sony gear has come down to 70-200/2.8 ii (1.4x sometimes),
20-70/4 G, and 90mm macro on A7Rv most of the time.
The 20-70/4 is light and great hiking lens with 0.39x close focus.


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