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Re: [OM] Aleutians Trip grows

Subject: Re: [OM] Aleutians Trip grows
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 16:37:45 -0700
At 8/13/2024 08:23 PM, AK wrote:
>They say that the deadliest thing on a ship is a deadline. So, I'm
>being delayed in my departure a couple of days, but it's also getting
>extended. So I'm having to scramble to cover my absence in the music
>scene, but I'm certainly not complaining. Who knows if I'll ever
>volunteer to do this type of thing again (probably will), but there is
>no way I'm going to turn down an opportunity to get paid to spend
>three weeks out in the Aleutians.
>I'm starting the packing process and staring at my cameras and lenses.
>Given my propensity to never change a lens when on a boat, I'll
>probably use two cameras. Which ones? Well, I could could could bop
>down to the store and get one of those shiny new OM-somethings. Or
>just stick with the E-M1mk2 and E-M5mk2. Or maybe the Sony with my
>70-200/2.8. Too many choices.
>I'm likely to use the E-M1Mk2 with 12-60 SWD as my main setup, with
>the E-M5mk2 and 50-200 bag bound, and the A2 with 70-200 as my
>telephoto main setup.
>Or just use my cellphone. ;)
>There are two passages in the trip that are expected to be very rough.

Perhaps put a strap on that cell phone.

>There are two vessels involved in this project, and I am primarily
>going to be on the big one. The smaller one will probably get delayed
>crossing the Sheilkof Strait. The weather delays this year have set us
>back a lot and we're now pushing late into the season where the
>smaller boat might not be able to work all the sites in a timely
>manner. The joys of the Gulf of Alaska. One day can turn into a week.
>AK Schnozz

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