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[OM] Aleutians Trip grows

Subject: [OM] Aleutians Trip grows
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 19:23:06 -0800
They say that the deadliest thing on a ship is a deadline. So, I'm
being delayed in my departure a couple of days, but it's also getting
extended. So I'm having to scramble to cover my absence in the music
scene, but I'm certainly not complaining. Who knows if I'll ever
volunteer to do this type of thing again (probably will), but there is
no way I'm going to turn down an opportunity to get paid to spend
three weeks out in the Aleutians.

I'm starting the packing process and staring at my cameras and lenses.
Given my propensity to never change a lens when on a boat, I'll
probably use two cameras. Which ones? Well, I could could could bop
down to the store and get one of those shiny new OM-somethings. Or
just stick with the E-M1mk2 and E-M5mk2. Or maybe the Sony with my
70-200/2.8. Too many choices.

I'm likely to use the E-M1Mk2 with 12-60 SWD as my main setup, with
the E-M5mk2 and 50-200 bag bound, and the A2 with 70-200 as my
telephoto main setup.

Or just use my cellphone. ;)

There are two passages in the trip that are expected to be very rough.
There are two vessels involved in this project, and I am primarily
going to be on the big one. The smaller one will probably get delayed
crossing the Sheilkof Strait. The weather delays this year have set us
back a lot and we're now pushing late into the season where the
smaller boat might not be able to work all the sites in a timely
manner. The joys of the Gulf of Alaska. One day can turn into a week.

AK Schnozz
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