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Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself

Subject: Re: [OM] 7 Year Anniversary Gift to Myself
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 10:29:51 -0800
> I'd rather hear about it than go on it. 😉
> New England and Scotland will suffice for this fall for me.

The ship is the IT INTEGRITY, in case anyone wants to look it up. As
to where I'm going, there will be whales, and all sorts of other
marine life around us. While I'm not looking forward to the potential
for wild sea conditions, I am looking forward to the wild sea life and
photo opportunities.

But I'm STILL trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up,
so my adventure spirit is high. I'm competing with one of my daughters
in how extreme we can get with our adventures these days. (She's
battling critters in Australia right now).

> I've had an A7, A7 II, A7R II. All gone in favor of an A7C. Form factor and 
> function make me much happier.

I still have the A7ii. I prefer the smaller form factor of my "cell
phone" these days, but when on a trip like this, with a big heavy lens
(70-200/2.8), I'll take 20 FPS, in-lens stabilization (along with
sensor stab), and an autofocus that works. Oh, and ISO for days.

But, yes, hiking? My Olympus rules that world.

AK Schnozz
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