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Re: [OM] A List Story

Subject: Re: [OM] A List Story
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 10:59:16 -0800
> It is nice to hear more from you. 🙂

I'm starting to emerge from the darkness a little bit. I've been going
through a building of a new life where the only continuity has been my
job, my house, and my car. I completely dove into the music world, and
of course, a rather interesting redefinition of my own being, and
totally occupied every waking and sleeping moment with all things not
resembling the past 30 years.

Not including pictures with the cellphones and work-hire projects, I
took less than 100 pictures in a 12 month span of time. That's a
pretty good indication of my mental health right there! Considering
that I took about 50,000 pictures each of the first two or three years
up here in Alaska...

It's not that I wanted to abandon communicating with this list, but I
literally couldn't. My focus has been so intense on my new endeavors
as a means of self-preservation. And the secondary association of
photography as a means of therapy to survive abuse and trauma has been
a factor too. There are things I won't publicly talk about, but I've
learned how to be extremely protective of myself by keeping myself a
moving target. There have been threats on my life, which affect how I
live, where I go, what I do. My survival has been dependent upon
"hiding in plain sight."

And Covid... I don't want to get too detailed about it, but I got
Covid about a month before just about anyone else in the USA. It
almost killed me. I was probably just a few hours away from dying. In
looking back at how much it affected me, for an entire month I was
able to respond to ONE email at work. I've had it three times now and
each time has had long-lasting impact on my mental and physical

So, I'm alive! But I'm also distracted.

AG Schnozz
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