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Re: [OM] Best SIM to get for France/Italy

Subject: Re: [OM] Best SIM to get for France/Italy
From: Mike Bloor <admin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 17:20:02 +0100

My sister who lives in Australia met us in Slovenia. She was using an e-sim but 
that only gave her data access. Calls and texts to her normal number didn’t get 

Feel free to contact me off list if you want hotel recommendations- there’s a 
great one close to Zagreb airport - or info on motorway tolls. 

Correction to previous mail: trip to Slovenia and Croatia was in May. April was 


> On 10 Jul 2024, at 15:42, Martin Walters <mwalters1440@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Interesting and timely conversation. We're off to Slovenia/Croatia in 
> late-September. Wi-fi seems ubiquitous in hotels, so data is not a problem 
> (car will have GPS), our concern is phone access, for whatever reason, while 
> travelling (rental car). Seems there are some e-sim cards (e.g., 02) good for 
> 30 days, priced around $25, and which cover EU countries. Given Canadian 
> international roaming rates, this seems like a good deal, and a very minor 
> part of our overall expenses.
> Martin
>> On 2024-07-09 4:22 p.m., Mike Lazzari via olympus wrote:
>>    Heading to France, N. Italy, maybe Switzerland in Sep-Oct. and
>>    wondering what is the recommended provider in the area? Had O2 the last
>>    couple trips to Scotland but wasn't the best. Also will be in UK and
>>    wonder what's the deal since brexit. Do I need a separate SIM? Just
>>    looking at getting a prepaid monthly. My phone will take an eSIM but my
>>    wife's won't. Both phones are dual physical SIM.
>>    Separate question: What will the passes be like in Oct? Specifically
>>    the Bolzano/Merano area. (My grandparents are from there).
>>    Thanks,
>>    Mike
> -- 
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