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Re: [OM] Best SIM to get for France/Italy

Subject: Re: [OM] Best SIM to get for France/Italy
From: "Michael R. Collins" <MRC.OlympusList@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 16:35:59 -0400
A partial answer. Was in the UK recently (North Wales, Cumbria, and London, and trains in between). Has put my Rogers account on the iPhone's eSIM. Got a Vodafone physical SIM, good on 5G network, GBP10 for their Big Value Bundle, no extra charge for SIM, not much data but for a bit more they have plans with more data, cancel just before the 30d to avoid automatic renewal. Worked for me. No idea what this offers in EU / CH roaming.


On 2024-07-09 4:22 p.m., Mike Lazzari via olympus wrote:
    Heading to France, N. Italy, maybe Switzerland in Sep-Oct. and
    wondering what is the recommended provider in the area? Had O2 the last
    couple trips to Scotland but wasn't the best. Also will be in UK and
    wonder what's the deal since brexit. Do I need a separate SIM? Just
    looking at getting a prepaid monthly. My phone will take an eSIM but my
    wife's won't. Both phones are dual physical SIM.
    Separate question: What will the passes be like in Oct? Specifically
    the Bolzano/Merano area. (My grandparents are from there).

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