Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Where are the dramatic new lens designs to take advantage of the fact that
> retrofocus design is no longer required?
I think there is a need for, if not full telecentricity, at least a
fairly large rear element not too close to the sensor, to keep the angle
of incidence of light from being at to acute an angle.
The first two lenses, at least, are quite compact compared to their
standard 4/3 counterparts. If you look at the difference between the
studio shots on DPR taken with the 50/2 and those taken with the kit
lens, it's clear some higher quality lenses would be rewarded by the
good sensor. I see the 14-140 lens for 2009 is labeled 'HD'.
Unfortunately, I suspect that's to designate compatibility for zooming
during HD video filming with the HD version of the camera, rather than
some sort of higher quality optic.
A collapsing prime lens should be possible with some clever electrical
contact design. That would bring true pocket-ability for the street shooter.
With the 4/3 lens adapter at $140, I wonder when the direct OM=>m4/3
manual adapter will show up?
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