Scott wrote:
> How do those of you that shoot a fair amount of macro cope with getting a
> 'stable platform'? While I can see that for static items--like coins,
> household objects and the like--it would not be all that difficult,
> 'out & about' are a challenge.
Use a flash. Although the light will not be completely natural, it is not
that bad.
My Bee Fly picture http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/photovoogt/china/bij.html
is taken handheld with fairly simple equipment: the OM40 + 50 mm F3.5 macro
+ T20 flash. Superb advantage of using a flash: the wings of the flying bee
fly are "frozen"!
With the T28 twin flash you can get much better results, but the T28 set is
more bulky than a single T20 and therefore not very suitable to put in a
Some macro pictures taken with different sets of equipment (but mostly the
50 mm F3.5 - T20 combo) can be found at:
Erwin Voogt
Utrecht, The Netherlands