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[OM] New camera questions

Subject: [OM] New camera questions
From: usher99--- via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 21:43:42 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
<<<SG writes:   <<<It turns out that the electronic shutter has a fairly fast 
minimum shutter speed. I wanted to shoot between 1/30th and 1/60th of a 
<<second, but found that I had to use the mechanical shutter for that. 
Evidently the electronic shutter won't go slower that 1/640th of a <<<second. 
Auto ND might help with this, but at the time I shot the pictures in the 
gallery below I had not found it in the manual.
Occurred to me that your issue is clearly not the e-shutter but the super high 
frame rate in the drive mode. 
  Bingo---just found it in the manual (pg 192).  You can get as low as 1/15 sec 
in SH1 as below but it will not refocus with each shot.  Must pick your poison. 
 I've had to sift through the manual to diagnosis some seemingly squirrely 
behavior---please read the slowest shutter speed for ND filter.  I pulled out 
hair on that one.  Good thing I had a 6X ND filter in my pocket. 
No universal antidote, Mike

 See page 191 in manual: 
"In BSH1 and ProCap SH1 modes, the lower limit of the shutter speed is 1/15 
s.In BSH2 and ProCap SH2 modes, the lower limit of the shutter speed is 1/640 s 
when [Maxfps] under [Sequential Shooting Settings] is set to [50fps] and 1/160 
s when it is set to [25fps],[16.7fps], or [12.5fps]."

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