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Re: [OM] New camera questions

Subject: Re: [OM] New camera questions
From: Martin Walters <mwalters1440@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 11:57:18 -0400
I have the 12-100, which also has a button the lens. Tried it, but far too
easy to "hit" and screw things up, especially if you carry the camera by
the lens. I have even noticed the IS switch can be "reset". I set it as
inactive ( or no assignment) thru the menu. No more problems.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2024, 8:11 AM Mike Bloor <admin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I have the 12-50 lens with a L-Fn button. It's function is set by the
> camera software. I won't go into detail because I know the OM1 menus
> are different to my EM-5 II.
> With this lens it's easy to press the button unknowingly just by
> holding the lens. I wondered why my camera kept switching to manual
> focus, until I discovered that this is the default function assigned
> to the button. It is possible to assign a "do nothing" function which
> I now use for this button. Since I never take video, I have the video
> button on top of the camera assigned to toggle between manual and auto
> focus.
> Mike
> --
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