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Re: [OM] New camera questions

Subject: Re: [OM] New camera questions
From: Frank <wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 14:12:13 +0200
Hi Steven,

Congretulations with your new camera, hope you enjoy it. The images look ok
to me, action packed indeed.

There are several different types of classification, some focussed on data,
some on architecture, some on video.

UHS-II cards are quite pricey indeed, but Class 10 is rather prehistoric
low (2009). Most of the SD cards I use are V30/V60 (U3) and around 100-150
Mb/s write speed (reading speed is usually the faster speed and the one
they write in big font on the card, but less relevant). You'll want to have
enough speed for the occasional burst, but it helps with photo stacking and
high speed high resolution shots as well. It will clear the buffer faster.

I buy 128Gb cards mostly at the moment. They can be had for around $20 from
reputable brands like sandisk or samsung.

Going through almost 64 Gb of burst shots is a pina, I think, I'd select a
slower rate (problem solved ;-).

Better look some setup video's on YT, I guess the first OM-1 is quite
similar as the mk II (there is an opinion that the mk II should have been a
firmware update of the first one ;-).

Enjoy, Frank.

Op ma 14 okt 2024 om 00:43 schreef Steve Goss <dallasgossfamily>:

> What memory card do I need?The card is a Delkin SDXC
> UHS-II It also says V90 II.
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