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Re: [OM] Olympus E-P1 find

Subject: Re: [OM] Olympus E-P1 find
From: Frank <wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 19:50:37 +0200
Unfortunately, the E-P1 did not come with an accessory port for the
electronic viewfinder. Later PEN camera's did, the last of the line being
the E-PL8.

I remember that the AF speed of the E-P1 improved quite noticably with the
second generation of the 14-42mm.

Though I really liked the first version.

In 2010 we visited Canada and I bought the E-P1 for my wife. I had the E-30
(DSLR) myself, with the 12-60mm. But I actually enjoyed mirrorless much
more then expected, so it didn't take long to get the E-P2, and later the
E-M5. I sometimes still use the latter when travelling very light, with the
17 or 25mm.

I should look if it starts up at all ;-)

Enjoy, Frank.

Op di 24 sep 2024 om 09:32 schreef Wayne Harridge <

> ... but I think the eye level viewfinder is a good investment.
> ...Wayne
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