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Re: [OM] Olympus E-P1 find

Subject: Re: [OM] Olympus E-P1 find
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 13:46:12 -0400
On 9/23/2024 1:30 PM, Dub Snapper wrote:
I've had the e-pl1 for a few years & never had any issues, I always liked the shape of the 
P1 so couldn't pass it up at that price, bought my daughter a used pl5 some years ago which 
threw up an IS error after she dropped it, luckily I found a guy online who managed to fix the 
same issue & posted instructions & pics, the tiny IS mechanism that returns to its 
resting position during power off gets stuck out of position due to being dropped & battery 
falling out leaving the mechanism in no man's land.

I've owned quite a few of those bodies. My favorites were the E-PM2 and E-PL7, at different times. Still have the 7, but the rest have moved on. Still not a snapshooter, a pair of the new OM-1s are along. The happy snapper is a Panny Z200, in case (of what, I don't know.)

If you're lucky Moose you might reach Scotland just as Brigadoon comes to life, only 
occurs every 1000yrs so have the camera ready.😉

Chances of Brigadoon = small.
Chances I'll have a camera ready = large. 😛

Where are the Bodies Buried Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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