On May 14, 2009, at 9:50 PM, C.H.Ling wrote:
> It seems a better time for sleep :-) The photos look a bit harsh and
> lack of
> 3-D look especially the flowers.
Oh, it _is_ a better time for sleep. But it's always interesting to
snap away during the off hours because one never knows what one will
get. I've printed a couple of the flowers, and while I wouldn't put
them out for sale, the prints look about a billion times better than
small images on the web.
You and some of the others on this list are masters of floral
photography; I don't even pretend. Mine were shot with a 70-200 zoom,
with the sun nearly directly overhead. That said, I do like the 21mm
tulip shot at 11x14 inches on my monitor. It really wasn't worth
uploading as the display size is so small the depth of the shot is not
--Bob Whitmire
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