No telling why the restaurant bought it. No accounting for taste. But
I can tell you it would be quite a struggle getting a 4x5 rig down on
those rocks. I don't seem to be as agile as I used to be, and those
formations are real ankle-rippers. That said, I will be wandering back
to that location at a better time of day. And lower tide. Either that
or I'm going to hire a pilot and do it from the air. Come to think of
it, that may be the way to go, as I've seen a million images of that
light in all kinds of weather and lighting. The angle I have is really
the only angle you can get of that lighthouse, unless you work from
the air, or come in by boat, which might also be an option.
--Bob Whitmire
On May 14, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Why does someone wrestle a heavy tripod and a 4x5 camera
> (or maybe even larger) out onto the rocks and not utilize the
> capabilities built into the camera? Furthermore, why did Red Lobster
> pay for it?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: