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Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh

Subject: Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 06:36:20 -0400
I tried various blur techniques.  Applying a "radial blur" in the 
direction of the stem or a "smart blur" with a small radius works fairly 
well.  Of course, you have to mask it so just the offending leaves are 
affected.  But to merge the "double image" effect you have to use enough 
blurring that the leaves begin to lose their identity as leaves.  If I 
cared enough to really recover this image I would probably (under very 
high magnification) "paint" in the gap with the clone tool or use a 
similar technique that blended the "double image" without softening the 
sharper outer edges of the leaves.  But too much work for something 
that's not mine.  :-)

Chuck Norcutt

SwissPace wrote:
> I don't know how to do it in practice but couldn't you apply some 
> gaussian blur to that section.
>> OK, I see it now.  I won't attempt to fix that.
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