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Re: [OM] Best SIM to get for France/Italy - Update

Subject: Re: [OM] Best SIM to get for France/Italy - Update
From: Mike Lazzari via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 20:58:27 -0700
Cc: Mike Lazzari <watershed1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Thought that I would update the list on what I found out about SIM
   cards and travel to the EuroZone which includes a few other countries
   like Switzerland which are not part of the EU. The S...something
   countries? I opted for O2 mainly because we used it last time and I
   know where the office is, just across Princes St from Waverley where we
   will be arriving. Super convenient and last time they set us up and
   installed the new SIMs for us in a few minutes. They offer roaming in
   the EU at no additional charge. I know, it's a long way from France but
   we'll get to that. I think we'll go with the £15 30gb plan. Maybe the
   £10 for my wife since we'll use more data on my phone.  WhatsApp for
   calls home when we have wifi but I will never use unknown wifi for
   anything else.
   Short version: So we decided to fly into Glasgow because we wanted to
   spend some time in the borders and prefer to travel by land than at
   35000'. So we'll take the fast train to London and the EuroStar to Lyon
   and rent a car there. And we get to see the country. From there to
   northern Italy where my grandparents were born and down to Avignon
   where a friend lives nearby for half the year. She married/divorced
   well. Drop the car and head back on the EuroStar. A quick visit to the
   V&A Museum and the Lake District. The weather will probably be crap but
   we don't care :)


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