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[OM] Alaska Adventures R Us

Subject: [OM] Alaska Adventures R Us
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 17:05:52 -0800
The simple rule of thumb here in Alaska is that if you get an
opportunity to go ANYWHERE in the state and someone else is paying for
the trip, the answer is always yes.


In this case, I lobbied for this opportunity, and I've been told that
I must be mentally disturbed or something.

The second half of the month I'll be the company's "observer" on board
a fiber optic cable laying ship going out the Aleutian Islands. We're
putting in additional cable north of Kodiak, into Perryville, Cold
Bay, and False Pass. Typically, there are a lot of whales around, and
other marine life. The amount of "work" I have to do on board consists
of filing a report once a day and fielding any questions for the
contractors. The vessel is a 235' oil services ship, and the entire
deck is an "industrial work site" so all the normal PPE is required.
I'm planning on going ashore when possible to document the shore work.

I'm looking forward to it, and I'm packing a bunch of camera gear! (As
well as some music production items--it's a long trip in captivity).

I love love love Alaska. I was just looking at some old posts of mine
from 2016/2017, and I realize just how much I was needing all these
changes in my life. Unfortunately, some of those changes have resulted
in my "disappearing" for months at a time from this list.

Oh, in other news, I'm planning on going to Hawaii in January. That's
my final state to bag. I might also use that trip to continue on to
Australia to visit my daughter there.

AK Schnozz
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