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Re: [OM] How does it look?

Subject: Re: [OM] How does it look?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 15:43:43 -0800
On 2/20/2024 8:47 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
At 2/20/2024 02:24 AM, you wrote:

That's a reason I've become sorta adept at background blur. With Quan Yin, you 
can see that it gets trickier as there are more elements at different depths 
and masking them all would be a real pain. It also seems to me that one nice 
thing about these lenses is the smooth transitions from in to out of focus. 
I'll be visiting Quan Yin again in about three weeks.
Smooth transitions are what modern lenses are all about these days, at least 
that is the jabber on FM.

In a fairly close focus comparison, adjusted for the two stop DoF difference, there's no real difference in bokeh between the Oly 25/1.2 and an LTM Canon 50/1.2 from 1956.

but also curious what you thought of the new bubble bokeh simulator in the same 
set of tools?
Just haven't had the right  image, nor looked for one, as I've been lost in 
the Bokeh Zone. I'll get to it, but no hurry, as I do have the TTArtisan bubbler.

In the Zone Moose
Great testing and fine savoring of Bokeh, an endless conversation.

I guess I missed the bubble bokeh simulator, although remember seeing ... it 
somewhere in PS. Does it just bubblizes point-like sources? I suspect it cannot 
render Non-point bokeh like a true bubbler lens, nor get the funky transitions 
quite the same. Here is my very bubbler lens, the Wollensak Oscillo-Raptar 3 
inch F1.9. Can a PS simulator do this yet?


Love it. Although, 'twere mine, I'd crop to 5x4, losing the right side.

Not quite the walk around lens though.

I am, at the moment, moving in the other direction, to move away from manual lenses toward looks that I like using AF lenses with EXIF and stacking ability. So can play Alt on the road.

I'm sure AI can do great things, but a real lens is my cup of tea, and much 
more fun. Keep the Bokey coming.

Yeah, still playing.

B. Zone Moose


What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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