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Re: [OM] How does it look?

Subject: Re: [OM] How does it look?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 01:24:32 -0800
On 2/19/2024 2:33 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
Thanks for the post.  You were buried deep in bokeh land.  I can see the 
utility of the 45/1.2 for a nice portrait lens.Interestingly but not surprising, the 
sample Oly 45/1.2 vs background blur the image at F8 with gaussian blur was just a hairs 
breadth less nice than the shot at F8 with the naturally produced f1.2 background.

That's a reason I've become sorta adept at background blur. With Quan Yin, you can see that it gets trickier as there are more elements at different depths and masking them all would be a real pain. It also seems to me that one nice thing about these lenses is the smooth transitions from in to out of focus. I'll be visiting Quan Yin again in about three weeks.

I see you tried out the new dof control feature in PS which may not be as good 
as what you already can achieve in PS,

Depends on the individual image, I think. And then, the feature is still in 

but also curious what you thought of the new bubble bokeh simulator in the same 
set of tools?

Just haven't had the right  image, nor looked for one, as I've been lost in the Bokeh Zone. I'll get to it, but no hurry, as I do have the TTArtisan bubbler.

In the Zone Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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