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Re: [OM] How does it look?

Subject: Re: [OM] How does it look?
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:56:21 -0900
Mike wrote:
> No loss of friends on this list.   You are the same awesome 
> Schnozz--engineer, photographer, DJ, musician in
> any format.

Thank you. Trust me, it's a rarity. Fortunately, my daughters are 100%
supportive, as is one sister and a nephew. Most of my friends over the
years were friends of my wife and me together, so those went by by.
I've made an all new set of friends so that's been good. But with the
smoldering ruins of relationships surrounding me, it's kinda like what
happened after the earthquake. EVERY dish of a particular set was
broken except for one. We looked at it, held it for a minute while we
processed what just happened, and then tossed it on the floor to
shatter with the rest. I do switch my visible "format" back and forth
for various reasons, but mostly out of safety/acceptance/rejection.

> I wonder why the Canyon beckons and not Sonnie as it had before.

I like the Canon now for the reasons I disliked them in the past. The
ergonomics are SO MUCH BETTER for my hand and the viewfinder is
amazing. In fact, it's significantly more comfortable for me to use
now than the EM1mk2. But I do like the Sonys for a few reasons (the
fact I have one already, so lens mount stuff). But the Canons are now
hitting the sweet spot for me. Also, the image color cast has now
largely been resolved and the pictures are looking right with the sky
haze tint of the northern latitudes. I think Sony color is still
better, but the cameras still are a 1/2 step behind the photographer.
I've also noted that the Sonys have focusing challenges whereas the
Canon nails it almost without exception.

AG/DG Schnozz
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