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[OM] IMG: Vuelta a la Comunidad Valenciana

Subject: [OM] IMG: Vuelta a la Comunidad Valenciana
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2024 20:56:26 +0100
In January and February the cycling season in Belgium, the Netherlands and 
northern France has not yet started. The spring classics begin in April, and 
the 3 big stage races Giro d’Italia, Tour de France and Vuelta a España take 
place in the summer. But there are pro races down here in Spain and in the 
south of France to help the teams prepare for the serious stuff. One of those 
races is the Round of the Valencia Region, a 5-day race around our region of 
Spain. On Saturday I went to the town of La Nucor, north of Benidorm, to have a 
look at the 4th stage of the race pass by. I picked a spot in a roundabout 
where they would be going uphill and starting a tough climb to a mountain pass. 
It was early in the stage, so the pack had not yet broken up completely, but 
there was already some suffering to be seen (the essence of our sport). A small 
gallery can be seen here:


As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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