Chris Trask wrote:
> Hmmm... I'll have to see if that van arrives here when we have another
> Grateful Dead concert. I've given up on mainstream BBQ sauces as they
> invariably have too much sugar. I made my own some time ago based on a
> recipe that uses coffee, which I named "Juan Valdez Goes to Hell".
I do believe that the van is making its rounds in your neck of the
woods too. The line up in Seattle had 17000 people in it waiting in
the rain for a taste of Bernie-Q.
As to your coffee-BBQ sauce, I'm a little leery about that. I had a
coffee-encrusted steak one time. Nasty. I like my espresso, and I like
my steak, but the two don't go together.
I've shared bits of my BBQ sauce recipe here. I'm eagerly awaiting the
summer grilling season.
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