Moose commented in another thread about simple tele lens designs being good. I
always think that is maybe because they did not have lots of surfaces and thick
glass. I still use and like some Novoflex lenses like that,but being SC they
need very good lens hoods.
The first interchangeable lens camera I owned in high school, had an east
german 50mm f2.9 Tessar lens,which was such a step up on what had owned
previously and I really liked it.
Over the years there have been lots of small cameras still using the venerable
Tessar design.
Olympus Trip 35,Mju,Minox, Rollei 35 ,Zeiss Ikon,Rolleiflex etc.all of which
had respectable performance.
I was thinking it might be fun to mount an old tessar lens on a digital body. A
donor Rollei 35 would give an extremely compact sliding tube lens, for example.
A number of Nokia phones use Tessar lens designs too on their small sensors.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: