> Nice, I'd forgotten that one.
Thank you. That's a picture I've been trying to get a good print from
for a long time. Frustrating.
> Then there's the flip side to that creative potential, the only doughnut
> bokeh I recall getting without a mirror in the lens.
The 50/1.8 seems to be more donut-prone than the 50/1.4, but just
barely. The 50/3.5 is a wierd beast because it sometimes produced
beautiful bokeh, and sometimes you just want to toss it over the
balcony railing.
Where the 50/1.4 REALLY shines in the bokeh department is when it is
used as a macro or near macro lens. Crank that puppy right down to the
minimum focus distance and the magic happens.
The other thing I go all weak-kneed over is the stars. I love what it
does to distant street lights. No cheese-ball star filter gives
perfect stuff like that.
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