Well, you guys can dump on Facebook all you want. I think it is the most
useful tool developed on the web in the past 10 years. It is an absolute
boon someone like me, with family on 3 continents and friends on 5.
I am happy to share all the information I put there with both the NSA and
the CIA and whoever else is interested in a graduate of the American
Institute of Malting and Brewing who lives on Christmas Island.
Op Di, 8 april, 2014 17:40, schreef Ken Norton:
>> More details here...
> The wild swings in investment estimate range from $700 million USD to
> $1.5 billion USD for the FB facility in Altoona. I'm pretty confident
> that by the time they get through with the first round of server
> population in the place they're going to be over the $1B mark and by
> the time they get to full buildout it will be somewhere around $3B.
> That doesn't include the second replacement round which starts right
> away. Most of what they deploy has a 5-7 year maximum estimated useful
> life. It's not that it wears out in 5-7 years, but is unable to keep
> up with the demands of Moore's Law.
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.zone-10.com
> --
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Nathan Wajsman
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