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Re: [OM] FaceBook, was:iMessage Settings [was OT tablet question]

Subject: Re: [OM] FaceBook, was:iMessage Settings [was OT tablet question]
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 10:40:33 -0500
> More details here...

The wild swings in investment estimate range from $700 million USD to
$1.5 billion USD for the FB facility in Altoona. I'm pretty confident
that by the time they get through with the first round of server
population in the place they're going to be over the $1B mark and by
the time they get to full buildout it will be somewhere around $3B.
That doesn't include the second replacement round which starts right
away. Most of what they deploy has a 5-7 year maximum estimated useful
life. It's not that it wears out in 5-7 years, but is unable to keep
up with the demands of Moore's Law.

Ken Norton
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