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Re: [OM] FaceBook, was:iMessage Settings [was OT tablet question]

Subject: Re: [OM] FaceBook, was:iMessage Settings [was OT tablet question]
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 09:07:21 -0500
> Me:  But doesn't running a large internet computer system cost a lot of
>       money?

If people realized just how much money...

Fecesbook is building a new data center here in central Iowa. Throwing
up a building doesn't cost much money. Throwing up a building built to
modern data center standards DOES cost a LOT of money. By the time
they have the first bit of it actually online and working, the
physical plant with equipment investment is measured in multiple
billions of dollars. Add to that the fact that the fiber optic links
to these centers (which are leased from the telecoms) can cost
millions of dollars a month. FB's fiber connectivity will be measured
in terabits. The power consumption of this one building is that of a
decent sized city.

And it doesn't cost us a dime. We just donate personal information.

Ken Norton
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