Hmm, the Panny DMP-BDT500 has excellent rep for video and sound
quality. I have read that it sometimes ships with older firmware that
can be updated w/o much difficulty and fixes many issues. FWIW is said
to out perform most Sammys but am looking at smallish differences. The
Panny is fairly cheap on Amazon.
The Oppo's (eg BDP-93) generally get the red dot award though it is
close to 500 bucks and a bit long in the tooth. The Denon 1713 can
decode almost anything on a silver disk and streams almost anything as
well. You can't remote it from an apple device w/o their AV receiver. I
am undecided on my upgrade. Any comments appreciated.
Seems the Roku players and other such separate boxes to stream services
days are numbered. The CFO would like to control everything form her
I have to replace some cranky old electronics and as it is there are so
many switch boxes as well as nested loops of inputs and remotes I have
to use my cheat sheets if I haven't used a component in awhile.
We occasionally have people in to watch the cat and water the 70
orchids (spritz the Phrags qAM as well) and universally their eyes
glaze over when I try to show them how to watch a movie with surround.
I will try to simplify if possible but it is not lookin good for what I
had envisioned.
Amps Bridged for mono, nested loop, Mike
B. R. Moose writes:
>Didn't I mention here before my experience with a Panny Blu-ray
player? It was
>returned in a couple of days. The Samsung
>that replaced it has been far better.
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