The lenses... the lenses!
The NEX system have no lenses worth switching for, making a 24MP APS-C
sensor wholly redundant. That may change, of course, but I don't think
it can in any way compete with the m4/3 system as a whole at this time,
nice as the NEX-7 camera may be.
On Mon, 2012-08-06 at 11:51 -0500, Ken Norton wrote:
> Mike Johnson, Kirk Tuck... They're rediscovering the real gem in the
> mirrorless world - the Sony NEX-7.
> I've been waiting for Sony to fix a couple of software issues, but it
> is amazing that this camera, which is now almost a year old, is
> starting to turn heads again. It remains on my own shortlist.
> Minolta and Olympus both had outstanding engineering departments.
> Minolta's lives on in the Sony world.
> AG Schnozz
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: