Glad to see I am not alone in thinking that. After repeated experience over
the years with Sony AV equipment which has the physical connections for
non-Sony equipment which have been electronically locked to accept only Sony
signals, there isn't a snowflake in hell's chance that I would consider a
NEX-7, or any other Sony camera.
The latest frustration was trying to connect a Samsung notebook to a Sony
Bravia LCD - it would accept only very specific input resolutions to the VGA
socket - no joy. Similarly no joy with the E-5 HDMI output, crippled on the
Bravia. Switched to an LG screen - immediate connections with both notebook
and E-5.
Lesson learned, I will *not* go there again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Norcutt [mailto:chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 07 August 2012 01:20
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: Re: [OM] They're coming around to my way of thinking
IMHO, Sony is one of the most proprietary companies there is. Anyone for a
Sony memorystick to go with your Fuji/Olympus XD card? :-)
Chuck Norcutt
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: