Down here, jelly is purely a flavoured water & gelatine concoction...
(for something annoyingly grating but very Australian, look for the
Aeroplane Jelly advert on youtube - I won't post a link it as it might
start automagically, I do not want to be responsible for the beating
from your family or work colleagues when you unconsciously start singing
Anything made with pectin & fruit (or sometimes vegetables) -clear or
with chunks- is usually called jam, unless it it is made with citrus
peel (and then it becomes marmalade). My favourites are lime marmalade,
and ginger marmalade (interestingly not made with citrus peel- just to
be consistent :) )
When I was a kid, a PB&J sandwich (we had a lot of US content down
under) sounded like some sort of evil torture - I usually ran for a
comforting dab of Vegemite.
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 04:42:29PM +0100, Piers Hemy wrote:
> To further confuse the issue, the term 'jelly' is also used in the UK, South
> Africa, Australia, India and New Zealand to refer to a gelatin dessert,
> known in North America as 'jello', derived from the brand name Jell-O. "
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