Nice, moody image!
Of course, I couldn't resist ...
I like the full darkness in the top left, but don't like the way it kills off
the top and left side of the of the
beautiful line of arches.
- Shadow-Highlight brings up the shadows, top and left and pulls down
highlights, bottom right.
- Curves brings central brightness back down.
- Classic mask to apply an effect selectively.
- Applied at 50% to slightly brighten the arches and bring out texture in
- The upper left got too bright, losing the mystery. Leave just a hint of
continuation of the second column to show the
height of the shadowy vault.
- All this processing has brought up the color in the arches and really made
the slight cyan cast, lower right, bad.
Take column color down by half, go full B&W in lower right.
- So many choices. ;-)
Messin' About Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: