Hmm. Thanks for the technique tips. I won't follow them exactly, nor is it
totally necessary as I have the scan, but will make an attempt at a similar
outcome. I may rescan the slide with a couple extreme exposure settings and
HDR them together to maximize the details in both the arches and the ground.
On Thursday, January 26, 2012, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 1/26/2012 5:06 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
>>> Of course, I couldn't resist ...
>> LOL, you do realize that some of your adjustments took it back to the
>> original scan?
> I'm just ordering my 'I Agree With Provia and Nikon." T-shirt.
>> Here I thought I was being cute and you go and adjust
>> my adjustments. :)
> Some thing are just meant to be. Don't mess with 'em. ;-) But really,
that line of arch tops is just too delicious to
> cover up.
> Then the top looked sort of like a dark, evil cloud was hovering there,
just overhead. Extending the subtle light on the
> edge of the 2nd pillar on the left up changes that, so it's dark, but
high, open up there.
> Might the effect on the tops of the arches be partially the result of
using a soft edged brush above that bled over onto
> them? I'm still hooked on layer masks for control of effects.
>> The last one is really neat. I like the dark and moody look of it. I
>> will play with variations of that to see if it's print-worthy.
> Thanks! Happy accident. After I applied Shadow-Highlights and a slightly
masked Curves, I wanted to see what the faces
> of the arch pillars would look like, perhaps to be dropped in as a
partially opaque mask. I have several Actions that
> apply commonly used effects to a new layer. One simply decreased
Brightness. it's often a prelude to some other tool or
> to provide darkness that can be painted in on a mask.
> In this case, I unexpectedly liked the effect so much that instead I
dropped a mask on it, painted opaqueness over where
> it made the tops of the arches, the middle of the far left pillar and the
top of the second pillar too dark. I made it a
> separate path and cleared up the cyan floor.
> Thanks for the fun and feedback.
> Archie Moose
> --
> What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
> --
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