No, since it didn't fit the only lens I was really interested in using
it with. I just discovered that I do have it with me and also just
discovered it doesn't fit the 24/2.8 either. I had done trial fits
before and thought it was OK but apparently didn't check to see if the
apertures were fully stopped down.
Other adapters I've had that wouldn't fit certain lenses would usually
not even start to engage. The two I have with me do engage but jam up
before doing the full twist. Thus the apertures don't close fully.
Chuck Norcutt
On 1/11/2012 2:09 PM, Joel Wilcox wrote:
> So you really have no idea whether the focusing aid would make a
> difference for you?
> Joel W.
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>> Yes, I actually own one but haven't been inspired enough yet to try it
>> on other than the 90/2.5 S1 macro where it doesn't fit. Every OM
>> adapter I've ever bought fits the bodies but, except for the very first
>> one some 4 or 5 years ago, is too tight to allow that lens to fit. I'm
>> in Florida now and brought my OM 24/2.8 with me and another adapter
>> which I thought fit. But I just discovered that it doesn't fit
>> either... almost but not quite enough to close the lens completely down.
>> I may have to break down and spend more than $20.
>> Chuck Norcutt
>> On 1/11/2012 8:02 AM, Joel Wilcox wrote:
>>> Chuck,
>>> Had you ever used or considered something like this for your focusing
>>> issues?
>>> <>
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