Thanks, Chuck, sounds like good advice. I'm not sure how he plans to handle the
post work, and whether clients want files or prints. I don't think he knows
what he's getting into. <g> But then neither did I when I figured I could take
pretty pictures and sell them to tourists. Sigh.
On Jun 16, 2011, at 12:44 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> The camera is OK but can the lens and the flash.
> In place of the flash put a 2-way level in the hot shoe instead. To
> avoid perspective distortion it's critical that the camera be level
> front to back and side to side. To take in the room and avoid the need
> to tilt up and down use a 24mm equivalent lens. Set the camera height at
> the midpoint between floor and ceiling. Typically a high rise tripod is
> not required unless you're doing a place with cathedral ceilings.
> <>
> Trying to use flash will be frought with problems due to the good old
> inverse square law. To do it requires multiple studio lights, huge
> diffusers and, unless you have powerful modeling lights on the flash
> units lots of trial and error setting up the lights.
> With digital it's easier to use the tripod for long exposures as
> required and handle the inevitable dynamic range problems (dark indoors,
> bright sun outdoors) with multiple exposures and HDR techniques. The
> following is a 2 or 3 exposure HDR image just done on PS by manually
> masking different layers. Note the properly exposed sunlit outdoors and
> the non-blown sunlit areas on the closet doors. The sun was nowhere
> near as weak as the photo implies.
> <>
> Color balance can be very problematic with mixed sunlight, fluorescent
> and incandescent sources. Avoid turning on the fluorescents... if
> possible. However, proper presentation of an interior architectural
> shot is normally done with lights on... another source of blown areas
> and possible need for multiple exposures and HDR techniques.
> This Tokina 12-24/4 (ver II) is a highly rated lens as was its ver I
> predecessor. This lens is $549 at B&H but the ver I can probably be had
> for $400 if you can find one in Canon mount. You could probably also
> find one on the bay either new or used.
> The tripod doesn't need to be huge or fancy but it does need controls
> that allow accurate positioning, leveling and locking without disturbing
> the intended setting... sometimes a tough order.
> I'll probably be incommunicado the rest of the day but may get a chance
> to look for additional questions tomorrow.
> ps: Also have him go buy a basic book on architectural photography.
> But avoid loaning him the 4x5. :-)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: