I've heard of people putting the sync switch on X then applying a small
dab of Loctite. A permanent fix (and who uses flashbulbs anymore); but you
may want to run that byJjohn first; a fix like that is likely to give him a
case of the willies.
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 8:01 PM, <usher99@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks for commenting. I doubt I will ever not check again, but an
> insurance policy
> is never a bad idea. Doohicky sounds good to me. This OM2 has been
> through thick and thin and not once has malfunctioned--still hasn't,
> but the operator did. Double drat for not checking, timing could not
> have been worse. Any of the other OM cams I have would have been fine.
> Mike
> Only the 2N (and 1N) have constant X sync at the hot shoe regardless of
> sync switch position, and that is with any flash, not just Ts. There's
> a diode in the flash circuit that allows this, though it does prevent
> some studio flashes from firing.
> Olympus Service made up a small plastic "doohickey" that snaps in
> behind
> the sync switch. It was created for use on UPI ad National Geographic
> cameras. It holds the switch at X and prevents accidental turning. I
> have some of those.
> ________________________________
> John Hermanson | CPS, Inc.
> 21 South Ln., Huntington NY 11743
> 631-424-2121 | www.zuiko.com
> Olympus OM Service since 1977
> Gallery: www.zuiko.com/album/index.html
> --
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