> PleaZed to hear it. Bringing Zecret Canadian ingredient for any Zauce you
> may concoct.
Zounds good, have ZhoeZ.
One location is the old factory site here in town, but we'll take in a
couple of decent farmscapes (including one old abandoned house) and some
prairie. In fact, one of the prairie sites is one of the few original (and
exceedingly rare) segments of prairie left in Iowa.
Guess it's safe to bring mine (E-3), then.
Well, how about we trade camera time. An OM-3Ti for an E-3? Print film is
I too have a 72mm cirPol, plus a 67-72 step-up. Haven't got the hang of it
> yet - just doesn't seem to behave like the 49mm linear from the old days.
I'm waiting for someone to just say that it's all in our heads...
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