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Re: [OM] (OT) High Noon

Subject: Re: [OM] (OT) High Noon
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 09:17:30 -0500
> LOL! I tell people here on the Pemaquid Peninsula that I shoot almost
> exclusively at sunrise because during the season, you can't find a
> spot to set up your tripod at sunset. Good thing for me that most
> shooters are lazy SOBs, 'cause the lighthouses in my area are much
> better at sunrise. Every now and then in August I'll run into someone
> at dawn, but it's pretty rare.

Back in my files of negatives (meaning it's lost forever), I have a
wintertime sunrise shot of that lighthouse.  If I recall correctly, we were
the only ones out there.  It was beautiful, but cold.

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