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Re: [OM] RF and other radiation + odyssey was: Earth Hour

Subject: Re: [OM] RF and other radiation + odyssey was: Earth Hour
From: Iwert <zuikooh@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 21:25:06 +0200
OK, I give up. A good old post office will do then (though they're  
closing everywhere here).
Anybody willing to start a nice analogue OM mailing list? Come to  
think of it,
any news of the Odyssey camera's?


Op 31-mrt-09, om 21:20 heeft Ken Norton het volgende geschreven:

>> A fixed line + answering machine can handle that.
> LOL, right.  You have no idea the RF we transmit down the wires for  
> DSL,
> T1s, etc.
> AG
> -- 
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