This does not sound all too healthy to me, knowing we're mostly
water, but I guess there's no place to hide.
The moon isn't an option, since you'll have to pass the Van Allen
Belt and one solar flare and you'ld wish to be on the dark side of
the moon:)
So I'll have to look for a place with no cellphone reach, giving up
the phone isn't that much of a problem.
A fixed line + answering machine can handle that.
I guess we'll just have to mutate soon!
Op 31-mrt-09, om 17:54 heeft Ken Norton het volgende geschreven:
>> I also have the feeling (but can't say for sure) that
>> all these wireless networks in my workplace (I can see 24 stations
>> emitting) are causing these headaches to be even worse...
> I'm the company's SME in RF and Wireless technology and have a few
> sweet
> little tools to test (and search for) sources of RF Interference.
> I won't
> pretend to know half as much as some of the experts here.
> That said, it is actually highly likely that you do sense and are
> experiencing issues with microwave radiation. If you use a cell-
> phone,
> you're getting an especially intense dose right next to your head.
> Use a
> microwave oven? Same thing. How about some cordless phones?
> Yup. 2.4gHz
> Wifi? Yup. What do most of the above have to do with anything?
> They emit
> radiation at or near the frequency where water molecules vibrate.
> Would anybody care to know how much RF radiation is being emitted
> from our
> digital cameras? Computers? Laptops located down near our crotches?
> I've spent many a day wearing dosimeters and every time it makes me
> wonder...
> As to building an RF safe room, this is actually pretty easy and many
> high-end recording and broadcast studios have substantial
> screening. When
> constructing or remodeling a house, you can shield and ground an
> average
> sized room giving about a 20dB drop for about $1500 USD in
> materials. 40dB
> of attenuation will cost about $20000 USD in materials. To
> effectively get
> this isolation, you will need to isolate the electrical outlets
> through
> transformers which may or may not violate building code.
> We built a recording studio one time where we had absolutely no AC
> electricity within 25 feet of the sound-stage and the RF shielding
> was not
> room based, but an active RF noise masking system was installed on the
> perimeter of the building. The only time I've ever experienced
> silence like
> that was in an old copper mine in Michigan.
> AG
> --
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