Ken Norton wrote:
> The logging industry is big on maiming and death. Best to give them a wide
> berth.
Logging roads are very different in Maine than in Calif. There are huge
networks of them in Maine. When it's dry, they are quite nice, wide,
well graded dirt roads. And away from active logging, there is NOBODY
out there. Just West of Moosehead Lake, we spent 2-3 hours wandering and
stopping along a river, up over a ridge, stopped at a couple of pretty
lakes, again along the side of a hill for the view and back to paved
highway. I think we saw one car in that time.
The parts of Oregon we've visited are somewhere in between, with quite a
few Forest Service dirt roads, but not as many, as nice or as well
mapped as Maine, where vast tracts are privately owned by timber
companies. Some of the Oregon ones do lead to nice waterfalls,
otherwise, the ones we saw weren't generally very scenic.
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