The color film profiles in Vuescan suck, I have tried once or twice and then
stopped, a plain scan without any adjustment is all I'm doing. For negative
every image needs a different adjustment unless the exposure is very well
controlled, even so different type of negative has some variation and needs
different tone/contrast adjustment. Also, for most of the old negatives I'm
dealing with, they faded with different degress there is no way to use a
single setting.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Norcutt"
> I'm still a bit confused about this myself. I just discovered that my
> trials and tribulations with the Big Cypress scans are largely caused by
> using the VueScan built-in profile for Kodak Portra 400NC. After
> tearing my hair out all morning seeing poor color balance in the scans I
> finally decided to try another piece of film. So I grabbed some old
> prints and negatives at random and saw that the film was Kodak Gold
> 200-2. I put in a negative and, with the last Portra scan still showing
> on the VueScan screen I changed the film type. The ugly color (too much
> red) in the Portra swamp scan suddenly jumped to a very nice and fairly
> neutral image. Either the color balance from the film processing was
> off or VueScan has an error in their film parameter database... most
> likely the latter.
> I went on to scan the Kodak Gold 200-2 negative and got a very nice scan
> with good color. It required some further adjusting in PhotoShop of
> course for final white balance and tonal adjustments but the scan is far
> superior to the cheap print from about 10 years ago.
> Now I've gotta figure out this scanner raw or DNG file thing. I stored
> a DNG out of the scanner but neither BreezeBrowser or Adobe Bridge seem
> able to display it or even show a fingernail. If passed to PhotoShop it
> causes ACR to open up and ACR processed it OK. But I was very surprised
> to see that Bridge had no idea how to display a DNG file... at least a
> DNG out of VueScan.
> Anyhow, I'm beginning to form an opinion that the scanner should do what
> it can to produce a proper color viewable image. Otherwise I don't know
> what I've captured until it gets viewed in PhotoShop. I don't want the
> scanner to make a final image... just produce an image with reasonable
> color balance and proper levels. Then I'll PhotoShop the rest.
> Chuck Norcutt
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: